Unlockable: 6.5L V8 Custom SUV
You must get Rank 1 Detective.
Unlimited ammunition:
Hold L + R and press B, X, A, X(2), Y
Fights open:
Hold L + R and press X(2), B(2), X
Street Races open:
Hold L + R and press Y(2), A(2), Y
Double damage:
Hold L + R and press A(2), X, A(3)
Unlockable: 3.5L V6 Sedan
You must get Rank 5 Detective.
Unlockable: 2.5L L4 Sedan
You must get Rank 3 Detective.
All music tracks:
Hold L + R and press B, X, B, X
Unlimited endurance:
Hold L + R and press B, X, A, X, A, B
Super cop mode:
Hold L + R and press Y, A, Y, A, Y(2) at the CompStat/Map screen. Do a badge warning to completely lower your Rogue status.
New costume in Puma Store:
Hold L + R and press Y, A, B, X at the CompStat/Map screen. Alternately, collect all ten pairs of Puma shoes hidden in the city, then go to the Puma Shoe store to get the Puma Shoes costume.
Unlockable: 5.4L SC V8 Coupe
You must get Rank 2 Detective.
Unlockable: 6.0L V8 Coupe
You must get Rank 4 Detective.
Unlockable: Puma Fit
Pick-up all 10 of the Puma shoes that are hidden around the city. Once you accomplish this, you can go to the Puma Shoe store and get the fit.
Unlock Stun Gun, 9mm SMG, Standard Shotgun
You must achieve Rank 4 Detective.
Ultra easy mode:
Hold L + R and press B, X, A(2), Y, B
Redman Gone Wild mini-game:
Hold L + R and press Y, A(2), X, A, X at the CompStat/Map screen. Alternately, get a 100% game completion. Go to the location given by Redman when he calls.
Unlock 5.56mm Carbine, 7.62 Auto Sniper, FlashBang
You must achieve Rank 1 Detective.
$1 million:
Hold L + R and press X(2), Y, X, Y, X